Information of Interest About Our Practice

Before your first appointment with Dr. Silva-Palacios, please download and complete the Patient Intake form.  Bringing it completed to the appointment will allow you and Dr. S-P to use your time more effectively. Please print and read the Privacy Practices and the Office Policy forms and bring them to the appointment as well. If you are NOT Medicare-eligible, please bring the "No Medicare" version. If you have Medicare, please bring the "Medicare Opt-Out" version, because Dr. S-P is not a Medicare provider. He asks you to wait to sign these forms until you have met and mutually decide if you are a good fit to work together..


Patient intake form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [126.4 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [80.7 KB]
Privacy practices hand out.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [482.8 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [217.9 KB]

About insurance and fees

Dr. Silva-Palacios is an Out-of-Network provider for several insurance plans, such as Cigna, Blue Cross, and others.  He is able to adjust fees on an as-needed basis and/or provide insurance company super bills for reimbursement.  Please call for a consultation. His usual fee is $195 per session (45-50 minutes) and $275 for a 90-minute extended intake session.

Important Resources

Organization Telephone Number
Emergency Services & Fire Department 911

Transitions Mental Health Association

San Luis Obispo, CA




SLO Hotline (Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Support)
